I joined a track & field meet with my co-workers the other day. I ran the 800m and 1500m race.
The race was not so easy for us because most of the participants are high school or university students registered with JAAF. (Japan Amateur Athletic Federation)
We threw out all sense of shame and we tried our best, but in the 800m race we were left behind by the young competitors and contended between us for worst 3 places. LOL!
王子にあるJasonさんお勧めROCCO’S NEW YORK STYLE PIZZAで腹がはじけるほど食べまくり、またもや「消費カロリー」<「摂取カロリー」な週末でした♪♪
Instead of abstaining from alcohol and high calorie foods we (as typical middle‐aged men) enjoyed crispy pizza and lots beer at ROCCO’S New York Pizza in Oji after the race.
For a normal weekend we ate a higher calorie count than which we spent while running that day. 😀
written by Tichi Kobata,
proofreader: Mr. Jason Combs,